Thursday, March 15, 2007

License plates in SA

I know I have at least two family members who have always been quite fascinated by license plates, and I think they will like this post ;-) Personally I think the South African license plates are the coolest ever. So I grabbed my camera and snapped a few photos!

The first one is from the Eastern Cape. I like this one because it has an elephant in the background:

Here's one from the Free State, which has a Cheetah on it:

Here's one from the Limpopo province:

Here's one from the busy Gauteng province:

Here's one from Northern Cape with the springbok animal:

Unfortunately the license plates in the Western Cape have no cool background, they're just plain white. You can choose your own number/text though, like this guy did (Bergnoi is probably his/her last name):


Anonymous said...

I bet a springbok licensplate tastes good, mmmmm hungry.

Unknown said...

That is really cool. I really like license plates :)

*me said...

That's not a springbok on the plate, it's a gemsbok.