Wednesday, January 10, 2007


I found an apartment with two lovely Norwegian girls from NTNU. We're moving in today. The rent is approximately R2000/month, which translates to about 1700 NOK if I'm correct. The standard is pretty good too.
Here's a photograph of the founder of the city (I think.. didn't look so closely, hehe).
I'll be back posting more soon!


Unknown said...

Jeg tror at en sånn statue hadde gjort det stort på Sotra. Tviler på at det hadde blitt stilt noen spørsmål ihvertfall.
Det er bare en ting som er sikkert... Feiring hadde det blitt.

Håper du har det kjekt. Det bør du nesten. For her nærmer vi oss skummel regnværsdag nr 100:P

Daskalides said...

hehe. fortell mer om disse to jentene :P